Leadership – March 2009

“The difference in winning and losing is most often… not quitting.”– Walt Disney

“The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.”– Thomas J. ‘Tom’ Peters

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” — Audre Lorde

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” — Joel A. Barker

“The process of succeeding can be seen as a series of trials in which your vision constantly guides you toward your target while in your actual performance you are regularly slightly off target. Success in any area requires constantly readjusting your behavior as the result of feedback from your experience.” — Michael Gelb & Tony Buzan

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” — Carl Jung

“Do we need more time? Or do we need to be more disciplined with the time we have?” – Kerry Johnson

“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.”– William C. Durant

“Act on your ideas. Now. ‘Money likes speed’ is my favorite mantra.” — Joe Vitale

“I think there’s a great beauty to having problems. That’s one of the ways we learn.” – Herbie Hancock

Finding the right work is like discovering your own soul in the world.– Thomas Moore

Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions. — Charles Brower

“Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are the gateways to power.” — Jamie Sams

“All right Mister, let me tell you what winning means you’re willing to go longer, work harder, give more than anyone else.” — Vince Lombardi

“Winning in life is more than just money… it’s about winning on the inside…and knowing that you have played the game of life with all you had… and then some.” — Doug Firebaugh

“Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” — General George S. Patton

“My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we win out.” — Ronald Reagan

Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior. ~ Juvenal

Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. – George Eliot

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” – Christopher Reeve

“The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our actions.”– Andres Godin

“We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.” — Earl Nightingale

“If you’re not having problems, you are missing an opportunity for growth.”– Anonymous

If you live just for today, to make today the most successful, happy day of your life, I am sure that you will have an extraordinary life. A successful life is nothing more than a series of successful days.~Thomas D. Willhite~

Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. – James Levin

“Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” – Leroy “Satchel” Paige

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.”– Gail Sheehy

“Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones to genius.”– Elbert Hubbard

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

“There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen.” — Hugh Prather

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln

“Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That’s a clue to what you should be doing and of course finding a way to be paid for it. You can attract more money from love.” — Dr. Joe Vitale

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”– Frank A. Clark

“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” ~Michelangelo~

He who angers you conquers you. ~ Elizabeth Kenny

“There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.” — Victor Hugo

“If you want a place in the sun, you’ve got to put up with a few blisters.”– Abigail Van Buren

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”– William Jennings Bryan

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

“Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.” – Pablo Picasso

“In order for you to profit from your mistakes, you have to get out and make some.”– Anonymous

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”– Michelangelo Buonarroti

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

“All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think.”– Thomas J. Watson

To use power wisely is the final test of leadership. Thus, the first rule in the game of power (or life) and, in fact, the only hard and fast rule in the entire game is: POWER MUST BE THE SERVANT; IT MUST NOT BE THE MASTER!~Thomas D. Willhite~

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual. ~ Arthur Koestler

Always be nice to people on the way up; because you’ll meet the same people on the way down.-Wilson Mizner

“To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult.”– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” – Sarah Caldwell

“If doubt is challenging you and you do not act, doubts will grow. Challenge the doubts with action and you will grow. Doubt and action are incompatible.” — John Kanary

“To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust.” – John F. Kennedy

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.”– Jerry Rice

“There are so many ways for you to become a self-made millionaire that it is almost impossible for you not to achieve this goal if you are really serious about it.” – Brian Tracy

“Going into business for yourself, becoming an entrepreneur, is the modern-day equivalent of pioneering on the old frontier.”– Paula Nelson

Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. — Michael Jordan

“Action makes more fortune than caution.” — Luc DeClapiers

“Without action, without decision, you remain in possibility, which is safe and beautiful but eventually enervating and boring.” — Jennifer Louden

“You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you’ll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.” — Caroline Myss

“I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that; then I realized I was somebody.” — Lily Tomlin

“Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do the best.”– Marva Collins

“Be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it’s so much easier when you have support.” — Dr. Joe Vitale

“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and woman keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”~Conrad Hilton~

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. -F. Scott Fitzgerald

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

We tend to live up to our expectations.–Earl Nightingale

Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs and expectations. –Brian Tracy

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”– Mark Twain

“A good manager is a man who isn’t worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him.”– H.S.M. Burnes

We are what we believe we are. — C.S. Lewis

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. — Aristotle

Maturity is accepting the responsibility and totally understanding what responsibility means. So when we say, accept the responsibility for your attitude, we mean (1) become aware of how you think and how you feel; and (2) if there is any negativity, or if it is simply not as you want to feel then change it to make it right. ~Thomas D. Willhite

Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn’t make me stronger.-Lou Holtz

“Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.”– Henri Frédéric Amiel

“What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing.” – Aristotle

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“Character is simply habit long enough continued.”– Plutarch

“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.” – Nido Qubein

“Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges make life worth living.” – Mary Tyler Moore

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. ~Albert Einstein~

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. ~ Edward J. Phelps

Success doesn’t come to you…you go to it.” ~Marva Collins~

“Helping people grow and achieve their dreams is the fastest route to success; both theirs and yours.” – T. Harv Eker

“Celebration of your achievement is as important as your achievement because success builds on success.” — John Powers

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” — Rick Tate

“Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can’t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.”– Lee Iacocca

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will and be judged by only one thing: the result.” = Vince Lombardi

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles

“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.”– David Rockefeller


One Response to “Leadership – March 2009”

  1. Topics about Energycrisis » Archive » Leadership - March 2009 Says:

    […] Manly’s Republic placed an interesting blog post on Leadership – March 2009Here’s a brief overview“Be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. … I never had a crisis that didn’t make me stronger.-Lou Holtz […]

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